Saturday, February 7, 2009

LIfe is too short, Make a Memory

In today's paper, you will find the story of the Frechette-Fletcher family. Two beautiful children suffering from a terminal illness, and the lengths their parents and family go to to make the time they have joyful and happy.
It's funny how easily we forget to be grateful for those closest to us.
It puts a lot of things in perspective.

The ridiculous arguments that can escalate to outrageous proportions -- beds that go unmade, wet towels left on the floor, who forgot to put the garbage out -- all seem hardly worth the energy.
Although it looks great as a calendar quote, it really isn't easy to live each day as though it were the last. To remember to be thankful for what we have while we can.
I hate the idea that we can only truly appreciate something, or someone, until they're gone.
It is so easy to take loved ones for granted, particularly when they are here.
And what a shame to appreciate someone only when it's too late.

I can't imagine a price I wouldn't pay to spend a few more minutes with my mother, who died in 1996.In the real world, I'm not going to stop being upset about the unmade beds or wet towels on the floor, and arguments about homework or thank you notes will be back quickly.But sometimes it's good to be reminded to take a deep breath and remember, not only those in our memories, but those we're making memories about today.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

To my Ex Husband...Please move On

Dear Rizal

August 27th 1996, we met through our friends Fuad and Azlina(your ex Boss) and 3 months after the first call you made, we decided to meet. You were adorable and young, understanding and loving. You were the first guy I met that never once miss his prayer and always willing to hear what I have to say about religion.
Three years we were courting and finally we decided to tie the knots even though at that time I my feelings for you started to fade as I learned your true colour and about the witch mother of yours. 2005, things got so bad and I decided to ask for the divorce. YOu let me go without a proper document telling me I need to change the ownership of the car I bought for my dad and also to pay back the supplementary credit card which I did. And you told me that there was something else that I need to do to get my legal document. That is to changed the ownership of my sister's car which was under your name. It took me 4 years to look for money to refinance the car when suddenly you told me that you will take the car and sell. True owner of the car was my sister though she only used your name. Now you have taken the care and still you have not given me the legal document for my divorce.
I have only Allah to help me now and what you are doing is really wrong in the eyes of Allah and how I wish you would just move on after the break ups. It will only make u become a bitter man. And here is what I have to say to you on breaking up and divorce
Breakup or divorce (especially one you didn't want) can be excruciating!
The trouble for many people after their breakup or divorce is that this pain can be so unbearable that without realizing it, they unknowingly do some things that are counter-productive to healing their pain. They actually stay stuck in that pain, sometimes forever.
Sometimes, even when you think that you have dealt with the pain of the breakup or divorce and put your past relationship behind you, there's still more healing work to be done. You just didn't realize it.
Sometimes, you'll hear a song on the radio or one might pop into your head that reminds you of a certain time and person that you were with.
Other times, someone will say or do something that reminds you of a past relationship and you realize that even though days, weeks, months or even years may have passed, there's still more healing to be done.
The Biggest Myth Of All About What It Takes To
Heal After a Relationship Break up or Divorce...
Nearly every one we've ever talked to after a break up or divorce has said that the most important factor in the healing process is time.
While we agree that time passing is important in the healing process, it's not the only factor that is important (as some people believe it is).
If time passing is the only thing that needs to happen in order for us to heal our pain and broken heart, then all we would need to do is let a certain amount of time pass and poof- just like magic- our pain would be gone and our hearts healed.
Unfortunately, this isn't the way the healing process works. It isn't just the time that's important. It's what we do with that time that determines whether we heal our hearts or not.
If time passing was the most important factor in healing after a breakup or divorce, then it would be like having a baby--a certain period of time passes and we get a desired result. In the case of the pregnant woman, if all goes well, about 9 months later, out comes a new baby boy or girl.
If it worked the same way in healing after a break up, a certain amount of time would pass and "presto" our heart would magically be healed and we would then be able to go into any new relationship with anyone in the future without any baggage from our past.
If this were the way it really was, it would be great. But the truth is that we all know people who've experienced a relationship break up or divorce and many months or years later, they are still angry, bitter and holding onto the pain of that past relationship.
If you ever hope to heal your heart and find the courage to truly open yourself up to love again, you're going to have to do some things besides simply letting time pass.But what should you do besides let time pass in order to heal your heart and truly get over your break up or divorce?