Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Having maid is more problematic than not having one. I have asked my ex husband to send her back. She is the worst maid out of 5 maids I have. Recently I was on a medical leave for 1 month + and gosh! All she did was sleep or lie down on the floor of the ironing room playing with her SMS. My next door neighbour's remark just last week was "Ellie! what did you feed your maid..she is getting soooooo fat like a hippo?". She spoiled my front loading washing machine, iron, broke my toilet bowl , the sink in the guest bathroom collapsed..what else..? Oh unbelievable my Wok aka KUALI which I had for a long long time since my late mom was still alive. My niece told me last weekend "Auntie G...where did u get all the patience from? How could u just let her go off the hook?"
Well frankly speaking, there were time when I really felt like whacking her bloody head with my walking stick but I told myself "She is just not worth having my heart blacken". After i told her many many times but its like she is annoying me on purpose. Just tell myself, I am in no position to punish anyone. The One up there is always watching..and I mean 24/7 and not a single blink. He doesn't miss out a single second.
At a certain junctures of our lives, we will encounter challenging circumstances or people. We can either our dilemmas with anger, bitterness or frustration. Or we can look deep within and find the source that is beyond circumstances and then pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward knowing all things will work in our favour. If on any given day, negative drama surrounds us, hang on to our own positive attitude and don't let other people to drag us down.