Everyone born to this world, shall be tested in many many forms. Some, from the day they were born, they are being tested with wealth and smooth sailing life and some are being tested with, fear,sorrows, losses and sadness through out their life. Testing is necessary and beneficial for the one being tested. He may think he is ready to graduate -- that he knows it all. Testing allows him to see what the real situation is. It confronts him with reality.
155. "And We will surely test you (all) with something of fear and hunger and loss of property, lives and fruits; but give glad tidings to the (steadfast) patient."
156. "Who, when a calamity befalls them, (by showing perseverance), say: 'Verily we belong to Allah, and certainly unto Him shall we return'."
157. "Those are they on whom are blessings and Mercy from their Lord, and they are the ones that are guided (aright)."
(Surah Al-Baqarah 155-157)
Above is my favourite verse that I carry all the time in my heart. There was this one time, my close friends made remarks that made me question God. What they said made me wonder why Allah only tested me with fear,sorrow and losses. Why hasn't He tested me with joy and happiness. Then right after I question Allah "Why", the very next day out of the blues, I read one article as if Allah was talking to me. Then I realised how much He loves me and that He doesn't want me to forget him not a single second. These were few questions i asked Him a day before:
The Quran Answered: (Surah Al Ankabut 2-3)
2. Do men think that on their mere saying: We have attained to faith, they will be left to themselve and will not be put to a test?
3. Yeay indeed,We did test those who live before them and so [too, shall be tested those people now living,and] most certainly will God mark out those who prove themselves true, and most certainly will He mark out those who are lying.
Allah (s.w.t.) tests all human beings, but with varieties. All the different sites of the world are the testing-places, and all the members of humanity, even the prophets, are under trial, and all the pleasant and unpleasant things are the means of trial. We ought to know that the Divine examinations are not done in order to clear out the ambiguity, but they are to evoke and train the capacities and abilities of humankind.The means of this trial are all bitter and sweet happenings of Man, including: fear, hunger, loss of property, lives, agricultural products, fear from enemies, economic siege, and taking part in Holy War himself, or by sending children and dear ones to the battle of war. These trials were experienced in the first war of Islam (battle of Badr), and will also come forth at the time of the reappearance of the Expected Mahdi, the twelfth Imam (May Allah hasten his glad advent), for which Muslims should be prepared.
The inflictions, which human beings encounter with, are usually concerned with wealth, life, children, or the fear of the loss of either of them.The secret of mentioning 'fear', among the means of trials, first, may be that the purpose is the fear for the lack of either of those three things. It is always before the loss of the very things that one fears of losing them.
Then, next to fear, hunger is pointed out, which comes into being as a result of poverty. Yet, in this respect, fasting is counted one of the examples of hunger.Loss of property has been situated in the third degree. The loss of wealth, of course, is very bitter, especially for a rich person when he becomes poor. Then there comes the loss of life, which often occurs because of different ailments or after being wounded: in a battle-field and Holy War in the way of Allah, and so on.
Some have rendered this loss into the death of one's child, which is the heaviest calamity.
"...but give glad tidings to the (steadfast) patient
Those when they entangle with a calamity, are patiently steadfast, since they have known that they themselves and what they have are all Allah's and in His possession. They also know that their return is unto Him, and they express this fact, too, by their tongue and with uttering the above holy phrase. Such people have attained the rank and position of nearness to Allah. Their march is gain after gain, i.e. an ever progressive gain. They are, in fact, guided aright.