Saturday, January 10, 2009


This video isn't for entertainment, its purpose is to make people aware of how real child abuse is. Child abuse is too serious to be sugarcoated.

Being the victim of sexual abuse child myself, I would like to share some of the videos on CHILD ABUSE hoping someday and I mean just someday, these mean people will get a harsher penalty/punishment for their wrong doing towards the innocent children. You have left a very deep scar in our life and it's horrifying to realize just how common these occurrences are. Most of the time it never gets reported, people look the other way. But the child being abused carries their fears and feelings on into adulthood. They constantly feel the need to look over their shoulders and have a hard time trusting the most trustworthy of people. Abuse doesn't have to be physical either - mental abuse can be just as damaging. It's really quite sickening that people would do these things to innocent children - and infants who can't even speak or fight back. It's estimated that 3 children die every day from abuse and neglect. That's 3 more than there should be. Nowadays people are becoming more and more desensitized into thinking it's normal, or just plain ignoring the issue. It's easy to turn the news to Disney and MTV and forget things like this even exist. It's easy to block out if you've never been through it. This is a serious problem in today's society. It's not normal. Not one bit.
**For The Children**

For all the children who've lost their innocence...
Because of unthinkable cruelty and ignorance.

For all the little ones who cannot sleep...
Because of the horrible secrets they have to keep.

For all the ones who find it hard to eat...
When their angel face has been broken and beat.

For the tears that fall steadily when nobody sees...
And the child in the corner hugging her knees.

For the infants who are beaten before they can talk.
For the babies who know pain before they can walk.

For all the smiles that have been stolen away...
For all the children who are afraid to play.

For the adults who carry around their childhood bruises...
And the many abusers with their heartless excuses.

For anyone who acts out to suppress the grief.
For the ones who damage themselves to find relief.

For the ones who only want love and receive hate.
For the ones who suffer when the hour is late.

For every punch, bite, or burn...
And everytime a child "has to learn..."

For the sparkle of hope in a child's bruised eye...
When he looks up at the sky and feels he can fly.

For every hour, for every lie...
For every heartfelt plead or cry...

For all the blind eyes that pass them by...
For every young heart that has to die...

I pray for the pain to be forever a forgotten nightmare.
I pray that every child can be safe, and without a care.
I hope you find courage through everything life brings you...
And I mourn those who've died before the world even knew.

There is no amount that can add up to what these lives are worth...
May God condemn the ones who injure his angels on Earth.

May Allah bless their souls.. What is happening to This World

These are awful, Neo Nazies have been here now Palestinian sources said Israeli soldiers shot and wounded a child, Maher Salim Walweel, 6 years, when he was at the center of the camp near his home.The sources added that the boy died of his wounds after an explosive bullet in the neck.


The parents of the child Khaled Walweel 6 years who was shot and killed by Israeli soldiers in the Balata refugee camp east of Nablus in a desperate attempt to take him to the hospital (Reuters)






Khalid's brother, giving a final farewell he does not believe that Khalid had died


With the deepest simpathy.

And still make a wish,

May the Almighty Lord shows the Barbarian Israel and his partner

How wonderful to live in peace

How wonderful to be together in a harmony

Thursday, January 8, 2009

That wicked old women just spoilt my day

Things were going so fine when i woke up this morning. before going to the office i went to the petrol station near my house to have my car washed. While waiting for my car to be washed, I went to the ATM machine located at the Shell station itself, keyed in my PIN number just to check the balance in my Maybank account, to see if EPF has bank in my money. Yup! There it was..the extra RM1,149.00 which i will be receiving from EPF for the next 12months. Today I got my first payment.
All the way I was thanking Allah for the rezeki He gave me despite my boss deducted my whole entire December salary.But who can stop Allah from giving His humble servant rezeki as He is the only Provider. Reached the office at day was so busy with work. I was doing 3 things at one time because I was trying to beat the time.
Everything was fine even though I had a very busy busy day. But I was still smiling.
Told Nini that I would stop over at her place.I try to make a point to meet up with Nini and As, my 2 best friend as much as I can even if its for a short moment. Really miss them when I don't get to see them.
I was in the kitchen having my dinner with the 2 of them when Nini told me what my maid had told her. It all started about her experience at my Ex- Evil mother in law.It was torturing moment for her during that one week stay at Melaka. The she was made to work like a donkey. Knowing that old wicked woman, she has filthy mouth that never said any good things about anyone but herself, and her mean evil character. I had a miserable life the day I got married to her son. I was made to work like a slave,and her words were never once like a decent old woman.
My maid told Nini that during her trip to Melaka, not only she had such a bad miserable experience, but that old wicked woman was trying to dig information about me. For God sake, it's like 4 years since my marriage to her son DEAD n OVER. She asked my maid things like "what time i go to work, what time i normally come back from work, and who are the men i brought home"
She is F@#*king sick in the brain. What MEN???She always think that I'M a whore just because I was a flight attendant. She and her whole family are the type of people who give religion a bad name. I might not be religious but not a day I forget about Allah and not a day I miss on my Zikir. And in my heart, I don't have any intention in hurting anyone.Not even her or my ex husband or even their entire family.
But the things she asked my maid really hurt me. Why can't she and her whole family leave me alone.
I really pray One day, Allah will make them pay for every little lie that they made about me and that include my ex husband.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Reason Behind Drug Problem

People have used drugs for as long as they have tried to ease pain and avoid problems. Since the early 1960s, however, drugs have been in very widespread use. Before that time they were rare. A worldwide spread of drugs occurred during that decade, and a large percentage of people became drug-takers.

By drugs (to mention a few) are meant tranquilizers, opium, cocaine, marijuana, peyote, amphetamines and the psychiatrist’s gifts to man, LSD and angel dust, which are the worst. Any medical drugs are included. Drugs are drugs. There are thousands of trade names and slang terms for these drugs. Alcohol is also classified as a drug.

Drugs are supposed to do wonderful things but all they really do is ruin the person.

Drug problems do not end when a person stops taking drugs. The accumulated effects of drug-taking can leave one severely impaired, both physically and mentally. Even someone off drugs for years still has “blank periods.” Drugs can injure a person’s ability to concentrate, to work, to learn – in short, they can shatter a life.

Yet though the dangers and liabilities of drugs are blatantly obvious and increasingly well documented, people continue to take them.


When a person is depressed or in pain, and where he finds no physical relief from treatment, he will eventually discover for himself that drugs remove his symptoms.

This is also true for pains which are “psychosomatic.” The term “psychosomatic” means the mind making the body ill or illnesses caused through the mind. “Psycho” refers to “mind” and “soma” refers to “body.”

In almost all cases of psychosomatic pain, illness or discomfort the person has sought some cure for the upset.

When he at last finds that only drugs give him relief, he will surrender to them and become dependent upon them, often to the point of addiction.

Years before, had there been any other way out, most people would have taken it. But when they are told there is no cure, that their pains are “imaginary,” life tends to become insupportable. They then can become chronic drug-takers and are in danger of addiction.

The time required to make an addict varies, of course. The complaint itself may only be “sadness” or “weariness.” The ability to face life, in any case, is reduced.

Any substance that brings relief or makes life less a burden physically or mentally will then be welcome.

In an unsettled and insecure environment, psychosomatic illness is very widespread.

So before any government strikes too heavily at spreading drug use, it should recognize that it is a symptom of failed psychotherapy. The social scientist, the psychologist and psychiatrist and health ministers have failed to handle spreading psychosomatic illness.

It is too easy to blame the drug problem on “social unrest” or the “pace of modern society.”

The hard, solid fact is that until now there has been no effective psychotherapy in broad practice. The result is a drug-dependent population.

Drug users have been found to have begun taking drugs because of physical suffering or hopelessness.

The user, driven by pain and environmental hopelessness, continues to take drugs. Though he doesn’t want to be an addict, he doesn’t feel that there is any other way out.

However, with proper treatment, drug dependency can be fully handled.

As soon as he can feel healthier and more competent mentally and physically without drugs than he does on drugs, a person ceases to require drugs.

Drug addiction has been shrugged off by psychiatry as “unimportant” and the social problem of drug-taking has received no attention from psychiatrists – rather the contrary, since they themselves introduced and popularized LSD. And many of them are pushers.

Government agencies have failed markedly to halt the increase in drug-taking and there has been no real or widespread cure.

The liability of the drug user, even after he has ceased to use drugs, is that he “goes blank” at unexpected times, has periods of irresponsibility and tends to sicken easily.

Scientology technology has been able to eradicate the major damage in persons who have been on drugs as well as make further addiction unnecessary and unwanted.

Scientology has no interest in the political or social aspects of the various types of drugs or even drug-taking as such. Drugs, however, pose a growing threat to mental and spiritual advancement – which is the true mission of Scientology.

Thus, Scientology contains an exact technology which not only gets a person painlessly off drugs but handles their physical, mental and spiritual effects and locates and fully resolves the reason underlying a person’s drug-taking. Nothing else can do this with certainty.

I"ve been Dreaming About My Late Mama lately

The past few days, I've been dreaming of my late mom. Every time i closed my eyes, there she was in my dream again. She doesn't look sad or anything. In fact the one i had today, I was in a car with her. She took me for a long ride in a car I've never owned before, at least not my car. It was an old white Mercedes probably 1970. We both, just the 2 of us in the car. I remember she stop by a beach, I don't know where but never seen the place before. I can feel the wind blowing my face. In my last dream during that trip to the beach i remember telling her how much I've missed her since she's gone. The funny thing is that, she never said a word..she was just driving and smiling listening to me talking all the way like a chatter box.
After the trip to the beach i remember she sent me back, but it wasn't my house. When i turned around to wave goodbye she wasn't there anymore. I really miss her soo much.It has been 13 years since she left to be with the Almighty.
By the way, I remember the night before she passed away, she was watching Pocahontas. She told me "Girl this is very touchy..I love this movie". Mama this is for you,THE QUEEN OF MY HEART. I will love u for as long as i am still breathing.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sexual Abuse Effects

My path of Life is going where I always dreamed it would go. For years I was so withdrawn and had walls so high around me. Now they are slowly coming down and I am becoming the lady I truly wanted to be all my life.
I was once a child sexual abused victim. I had to go through this nightmare for 5 years. It totally stopped when i was 13 to be exact. I never told my mom and dad til I was 17 years old. Why didn't I? Its rather hard to explain to WHY didn't I inform my parents about the incident. The number one reason child sexual abuse victims don't tell is that they are afraid they won't be believed. Children fear reprisals from the offender.
Offenders tell the child that no one will believe them; and that
even if someone does believe, the child will be blamed for the abuse. Offenders openly threaten the safety of the child and/or members of the child's family. Offenders tell the child the perpetrator will get into trouble if anyone discloses the sexual abuse. This is particularly fearsome for the child when the perpetrator is a family member, because the child fears abandonment. Offenders promise gifts and rewards and offer bribes for the child to keep the secret. With young children, this can be candy, toys, trips to McDonald's. With youth, it can be videos, DVDs, rides in a car, sports tickets, sports equipment, clothes, makeup, jewellery, money, anything that is valued by the youth. Sexual abuse effects on children and youth can be evident in emotional, physical and behavioural ways. These effects can be just as devastating whether there was only one occurrence or there were repeated occurrences. Sexual abuse cannot be compared, because each abuse experience is unique. Children are vulnerable to sexual abuse because of their age, size and innocence. When a child or youth is molested, she/he learns that adults cannot be trusted for care and protection: well-being is disregarded, and there is a lack of support and protection. These lead to grief, depression, extreme dependency, inability to judge trustworthiness in others, mistrust, anger and hostility. And as if all that isn't enough, children's bodies often respond to the sexual abuse, bringing on shame and guilt.
» Children/youth are unable to protect themselves and stop the abuse.
» Children/youth are susceptible to force.

» Children/youth are susceptible to the use of trickery by offenders.

» Often times, children/youth have no control over their own bodies.
» All too often, children/youth are unable to make others believe them.

The above factors lead to:

» anxiety

» fear

» shame

» a sense of inadequacy

» the need to control situations and others

» a perception of self as victim

» identification with the aggressor
Factors That Influence Sexual Abuse Effects Miraculously, not all children or youth molestation victims display signs that something is wrong. FACT: Between 21% and 36% of sexually abused children will display few or no symptoms (Oates, O'Toole, Lynch, Stern & Cooney, 19941).
Why do some victims display a multitude of emotional and behavioural effects, while others display few or none? In spite of few or no outward symptoms, child and youth victims do suffer emotionally. These emotional effects come in varying degrees, depending on the following six factors:
The nature of the relationship between the victim and the offender: the closer the emotional relationship, the greater the emotional trauma. The age of the child when the abuse began and the duration of the sexual relationship: an ongoing sexual relationship with repeated contacts is generally more traumatic and usually produces more sexual abuse effects than a single contact. The type of sexual activity the victim is exposed to: sexual acts involving strictly non-contact sexual abuse appears less traumatic than sexual acts that involve contact. It is important to note, however, that trauma and the sexual abuse effects are still very real when any type of sexual abuse occurs. The degree of physical aggression directed at the victim: violence adds to the trauma of the abuse. Being physically abused, having a mother who is mentally ill, not having someone to confide in, and being socially isolated are significant predictors for childhood sexual abuse (Fleming, Mullen & Bammer, 19972). The response the victim receives when she/he discloses the abuse: healing is apparent when a disclosure is met with compassion and is followed with effective intervention; if the victim is met with skepticism and accusations, anger, or no response at all when she/he discloses, the sexual abuse effects are compounded. The availability of a supportive person in the victim's life: a caring, loving, nurturing, and listening person in the victim's life lessens the trauma; a lack of a supportive person intensifies the abuse and leaves the victim feeling even more lonely, helpless, and unworthy.

Molested children suffer many losses, including:

  • self-esteem and self-worth
  • trust
  • childhood, including the opportunity to play and learn
  • the opportunity for normal growth and development
  • intimacy
  • control over his/her body
  • normal loving and nurturing
  • safety and security
The longer the secret continues, the more trapped in the abuse the child or youth sexual abuse victims become. Survival means learning to adapt to the abuse in a variety of ways:

sexual abuse victims minimize the abuse by pretending that whatever is happening is not really bad--this can take the form of a tough sense of humour

they rationalize the abuse by explaining it away--they blame the abuse on the offender's drinking, drug use, etc.; they develop a twisted sense of love, telling themselves the offender is showing them love

they deny that the abuse ever took place

sexual abuse victims forget that the abuse ever took place, which is one of the most common and effective ways children deal with abuse

they label themselves--sexual abuse victims believe they deserve the abuse and that it's their fault. Nothing can be further from the truth!

they become controlling--sexual abuse victims try to control themselves and others; they become super-alert and eager to please

Though these coping skills are self-destruction, they are highly effective: they help numb the pain and get the child or youth through each day.

This page is dedicated to child abuse survivors who are on a life-altering journey of Awakening. A journey that for some—like me—is one that will bring understanding of their true purpose in life, one that will bring inner peace, joy and contentment. A journey that for countless child abuse survivors will be one of healing and recovery.

I believe that child abuse survivors around the world will come to see that A New Earth is the path toward healing and recovery AND is the answer to transforming your life so that you can enjoy the peace and contentment that you, indeed most of humanity, have lost.

Life throws many things in ones' direction, but if you take it on with good friends, support and those special people who stay awhile and leave those footprints in your heart, support you in all you do, want to do and become, it's all worthwhile in the end.

The story of my life

This song grabs and pulls at my heart strings every time I listen to it, it is very emotional. It's really perfect for my blog, as the title of this blog is "Story Of My Life". It basically tells the whole story of my life.

I wish someday, I can change the this blog to be "The Story Of Our Life".
The story of my life is very plain to read
It starts the day you came
And ends the day you leave
The story of my life begins and ends with you
The names are still the same
And the storys still the truth

I was alone.
You found me waiting and made me your own
I was afraid
That somehow I never could be a man that you wanted of me

Youre the story of my life, and every word is true
Each chapter sings your name
Each page begins with you
Its the story of our times and never letting go
If I die today, I wannted yo to know

Stay with me here
Share with me, care with me
Stay and be near
And when it began Id lie awake every night
Just knowing somewhere deep inside
That our affair just might write

The story of my life is very plain to read
It starts the day you came
It ends the day you leave