Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just my View La...jJust Feeling a Lil Philosophic Today

Because of our modern busy lifestyles, it becomes easy to forget that we live alongside others who have needs just like we do. We treat people like props set up behind an orchestra which solely exist to play the background tunes to our lives.
Our lives could be happier and more fulfilled if we were more charming and paid a lil more attention to the needs of other people around us.
REspect is a virtue that everyone expects to receive. Be it your boss, your subordinate, your colleagues, husband, wife, child, sibling, in-laws(aduh this part a bit difficult when it comes to my ex in laws la!), everyone merits respect. It is an attitude that makes relationships work and last la. I does not matter ages or status of those involves but everyone deserves respect.
It is important to study the feelings of others. We must acknowledge their moods and empathize with them.
Frankly speaking today i dunno what the heck am i scribbling in this entry. Just feel like writing and share my perception about life. How i look at it la because I am a major Hippy, you can say.