Friday, April 17, 2009

Finally We're going Home

Today the doctor finally discharged my son Ridhwan. It has been 4 days and I haven't been back home since then. This morning when I woke up I had my Angina Attack. I told Allah not now please. I need to be around for my son and my daughter.
Grab the Zam Zam water that my dad prepared for Ridhwan, "selawatand drink it.Took a lil bit with my prayer to Allah asking Him to take the pain away.It actually help with the help of Allah, the pain subsides.
I just want to go home and sleep today. Am sooo exhausted and worn out. But Alhamdulillah I am still strong for my kids. Thank you Allah for constantly be by my side. Love You Always my dear Creator.

Specially Dedicated to My True Friends

At times, the wheel of life has to be at the lower position in order for us to see who are our true friends. They are the one that stick by your side when u needed a shoulder to cry on. No matter how strong a person may be, they still need true friends in their life. Currently, I'm at the hospital taking care of my son who is sick at the moment.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Bully At Work

We all know somebody who is a doubletalker, a gossip and a generally untrustworthy person. They are cruel to their enemies and even meaner to their friends - only with the friends the mean streak only comes out when their backs are turned. This type of friend is all sweetness and sugar to people's faces but act uly and spiteful behind their backs. We call people like this "backstabbers" because they sneak around portraying themselves as something they are not, a friend. Do you have one of these snakes in your life? Are you wondering if a bud is really a dud?
They might say they're your 'best friends', but the moment your back is turned, they lie about you to others. No one wants to be hurt in this way, but how do deal with them?
Everyone remembers "the bully" back in grade school, the one that stole your friend's lunch money on a regular basis, shoved you into the lockers from time to time, and intimidated everyone and everything they could...
Now, years later, you're wondering how that same tough, manipulative, arrogant kid apparently teleported into your workplace and ended up working with you...How can this be? Haven’t these people grown up by now?
Any of these sound familiar?...

* Being ridiculed in front of your entire team at staff meetings...

* Being lied about behind your back...

* Feeling like you're always on guard...

* Not being able to focus, and as a result the work has piled up...

It seems like I face these same defeating issues everyday or at least often enough to make me feel anxious...nervous...even hopeless. The uneasy knot in my stomach follows me home...and I discussed the situation with my friends and family. They talk it through with me, which seems to help for the time being. However, after another rough sleep, tomorrow heart starts pounding…my hands are clammy…the panic returns... and I'm propelled into yet another terrible day with my least favourite person in the world…
My confidence is missing in action, my passive-aggression is through the roof, and I find myself watching the latest Dr.Phil episode on how to battle out of control anxiety...
Deep down I hope that there is some way to make this work, without giving up and having to start all over again with a new job because I'm not a quitter. In fact, I enjoy my job; but I definitely don't feel the same way about the workplace bully that steals your, focus, productivity, confidence, and most importantly my sanity...

Living with FRENEMY Pt 2

I don't understand so many things about us humans.Why do we hurt those we love? Why as soon as we get something we don't want it? Why do we mate for life,only to spend the rest of our life complaining about our mate?
If I knew the answers to these, I am sure it would quiet my soul, but I guess they are not mine to know.
I specially don't understand about people who claim they are my friends. At this moment, I am at Kelana Jaya Medical Hospital taking care of my sick son, Ridhwan. Been here since last Tuesday night. Sitting alone here, I tried to understand things that has been happening around me lately. First with my work. I tried to do the best I can and I think I have given the best that I can. I mean, everytime after my kids are asleep i would go back to the office doing all my work alone and go home at 4am.
I have been requesting for an assistant but to no avail my request was rejected by the company. They said the Government project is more important than the private one that I'm handling.I broke down on Tuesday when I was asked to inform some of the guys at work to do some preparation for my boss and they actually told me We're going back and if Encik @#*% wants it..ask him to call us personally.
They fail to see the consequences which of course it will be on me. Rushed back home to attend to my sick son. He was very very sick but thats my problem to solve. I am not just a single mom but I'm a single mom who has to attend to my kids all by myself and also the job i have is very demanding. The first time I broke down was last year somewhere in July during my outstation trip where I tried to kill myself. At that time I snapped and just lost my mind.
The same night I rushed my son to the hospital where he always got admitted. His temperature was 40 degrees Celsius. The next day first thing in the morning at 8am, my boss buzz my on YM and screwed me for the things my colleague didn't do. Life just isn't fair. The whole day I got screwed on YM. I have actually tender my resignation but HR refuse to accept and asked me to retract back the resignation via email which I have not done.
The saddest part was when I tender my resignation someone I take as my close friends take this opportunity to buried me deep down in the ground. Till today I feel sad and stupid. Why didn't I listen to the voice that always whisper in my ear. Since that moment I decided to stay away from some people in my life

Monday, April 13, 2009

Say what you need to say...

Today, at 5am, I received SMS from my boss asking me about work. Got up answered his SMS and took my shower. Did my Subuh prayer and off to work. too many things to be done and at the same time my son is sick again. Its not easy juggling everything all by yourself but I was trained to never JUSTIFIED in our lives. Once we justified, that's when we will be slacked in everything we do.
Reached the office at 6.50am, switched on my lappy and straight to work at the same time online(YM) with my boss. I love my job very much and always want to give the best. And to do so, i have to beg in order to get things done. Perhaps my method is wrong. Like what some of my close friends at work said, when u ask them as a favor, they feel its not their job and if they do its merely a favor. They fail to see that if we work together as a team, YES may we don't get extra income but if we strengthen the company, end of the month, all of us have food on the table.
Yes people said rezeki is not only here at this office but again they fail to realise that with that attitude, no matter where we work, we will not put our 100% effort because we feel that if the company is not satisfied with our work, then we can always look for other job.
At least I know, if i give my best effort while working where I work right now, even if i give my extra time and effort and the company doesn't give me increment, I know every month i give my 2 kids and dad a halal income. I don't know how TO SAY WHAT I NEED TO SAY..but all i can say is that i will give the best with the time Allah has given me.
Take all of your wasted honor
Every little past frustration
Take all of your so-called problems
Better put them in quotations

Say what you need to say (8x)
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Walking like a one man army
Fighting with the shadows in your head
Living out the same old moment
Knowing you’d be better off instead
If you could only

Say what you need to say (8x)
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Have no fear for giving in
Have no fear for giving over
You better know that in the end
It’s better to say too much
Than never to say what you need to say again

Even if your hands are shaking
And your faith is broken
Even as the eyes are closing
Do it with a heart wide open

Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say
Say what you need to say

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Specially Dedicated to all The AYAPIN's BIG FAN at my office

Is the workplace fertile ground for bad manners? Sure seems that way.Common courtesy doesn't exist anymore?Civility, manners, and politeness are nostalgic memories.It's really sad to see the new comers at my work place has the image as a Muslim men and women.(With goatee and the girls wearing head scarfs) but it's really sad to see how they communicate. They judged people who are just not in their category and it's sad to hear when they talked about the hukum of religion. They are so ignorant.

I might not be religious and the way I look perhaps doesn't look like them.(I look kinda funky- but thats just me)but I don't judge. I always wonder why one likes to judge others because then we will be too busy judging others that we will forget to look at ourselves. And I never stop doing things to better myself and that includes brushing my knowledge on religion and worldly stuffs.
Sometimes its really sad when I talked to some of the staff at work, the way they answer to my question, 1st: they do not look at your face when they answer. 2nd: Sometimes they don't even bother to answer because they feel that me and my pantry gang are not in their category( they feel that they are religious and we are not)3rd: the way they answer to you is just too rude. 4th: Smiles are sadaqah and they hardly smiles unless to their own group.
Its sad to see their attitude and they bring shame to the name of ISLAM. Islam doesn't teach all these attitudes. They claim to be the follower of the prophet? God! If only Prophet Muhammad is here, I bet he (pbuh)too would be ashamed to claim them as his follower.
Dear Allah, please open their heart to the truth of Islam and cleanse their dark heart. They are parents and they have children. Its sad to see those poor children having these people as their parents and generations after generations will be taught the wrong way of life. Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) had fought for Islam and how beautiful the religion is. Allah has blessed us with the most beautiful religion which taught us all the beauty of life.
Everyday I go to work hoping to see these people change to be courteous. They don't understand by being rude will not only tarnish the name of Islam but also it reflects on their upbringing which brings back to their parents reputation. God have mercy on these people.
Manners, personality, caring for others, cleanliness, a system of values and faith, are a few of the life links that connect us all. Smiling can be a habit; we probably can't really measure its benefits entirely. I just know that smiling faces are welcome in my life. If I've learned to be one of them, then I'm more successful than I hoped. Make an effort to smile more often, and you'll find you have more to smile about.
Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Smile More Often

The ability to smile is a gift to humans, though I swear my Frog smiles at me; I've seen a bird or two who made me wonder; and I've seen a cat which not only smiled, but could give you a look that would freeze an elephant. Well, maybe all that's not backed up by research but I know my animals!!

Smiling fills the soul, yours and others. The only time I was irritated by a smile was while I was in labor with my first son. After 24 hours of that fun, my husband had the most irritating grin pasted on his face. I wanted to smack it off, but I was busy giving life. Finally, even the nurse said, "Dad-to-be, would you please take your grin out to the hall, we're working in here." Ha! Served him right. Ok, that was a temporary glitch in our marriage but birth labor hurts.

Chronic Complaining

Now, who wants to be around gloom and doom all the time? You know the ones I'm talking about. Those chronic complaining "friends." They're in every office, by every water fountain and on the front pew of the church; they never have a good thing to say about anyone or anything and they can soak you with their depression quicker than a him-a-caine.

I 've been known to spin in the other direction at mere glance from their direction. No way am I stoppin' by to say "how's your day goin'?" I'm thinking: "Life is tough for everyone; get OVER it; Yada yada yada; give it a break." I have enough reasons to eat chocolate without listening to horror stories of pain.

Bad News Is Everywhere

I'm a sympathetic person by nature (stop it- I am too, you don't know me). But, we have to survive. Bad news is everywhere! Between Chris Dobb on CNN, Keith Doberman (ok, Oberman, SHEEESH), on MSNBC (his only saving grace is he can't stand Bush or Bill O'Reilly which makes him my almost hero) and the slurpiness of "Bush-Limbaugh-worship" from Hannity and Colmes on Fox, I think the world's flipped over to the dark side of the moon. I'm not in love with the Poly-ana types either, so don't go there.

Local TV Channels vs Cable

Still, I'm thinking we could smile a little more. Due to a recent move and the lack of funds for satellite TV at this moment, I've been forced to watch local news. Surprise. Some funny guy on TV3 makes me laugh and at 3.00 a.m. that's not easy.

I've been turning on easy listening music in the evenings, reading books, who knows what's next. I think I was humming doing dishes the other night. Not hearing about the war and politics 24/7 might be turning me into a kinder, gentler person. Well?? It could.

I'm warning you, I could start smiling all the time. It could spread clear across the street and that old grumpy guy might even smash out a grin.

Smiling could cure lots of things, I'm thinking. Maybe even contribute to world peace, but then what would Miss Malaysia do? Well, she'll think of something, I'm sure, like maybe get off drugs or quit the porn movies. Come on, let's give them a second chance, right.

Smiling in Other Places

I'm not an expert on world cultures, but I don't think smiling means the same in every country. I don't like it when Chavez smiles, nor that Iranian leader what ever his name is again, and personally I don't think Bin Laden has ever smiled without a gun in his you can't trust every smile. Still, in a peaceful land, I think it's nice. I've even tried smiling when I didn't feel like it though a few people flinched when I did that, so maybe I need more practice.

Fake It 'Til You Make It

Frankly, I like pretense. We all deserve a little of it. If I'm at Carrefour or Tesco and you're a clerk who's having a lousy day, please pretend you aren't. If you're the guy at Mc D's who's just been given that few ringgit raise, please don't spit in my coke. And if you're the clerk at the 7-11 and I'm trying to get your attention so I can pre-pay for my gas and make it home before dark, but you're so busy arguing on the cell phone with WHOMEVER, well, please pretend you're good at your job and take my money. Sigh.

I'm not asking much, just a little fake cheer. You don't have to do the "zippety-do dah" dance, but just fake it a bit to help us all get through the day. I've faked a lot of things in my day. (shhhh) It works for the most part. Once in a while I forget I'm faking it and actually feel better.

Body Language Speaks Loudly

Body Language is always speaking. Smiling speaks. This little non-verbal symbol of acceptance is a powerful little tool. I'd like to see it more so here's the deal. I will - if you will. Smile, I mean. Let's do it. My smile is bigger than your smile. Come on, it'll be fun. I'll be watching you!

OOps, I almost forgot to give you the 5 reasons. Here they are...

Side Effects, Benefits and 5 Reasons to Smile:

1. Smiling Lowers Blood Pressure. (Well now, it could. If not yours, mine.)

2. Smiling makes others want to be around you. (So be careful who you give the smiles to, if you get my drift.)

3. Smiling triggers hormone production. (I don't know that for sure myself but I read it and thought it sounded good enough to try, so if you do it and find it to be true, please let me know what happened if you can legally talk about it.)

4. Smiling is a good facial exercise. (Trust me, I've seen some faces who could use exercise. Yes?)

5. Smiling is Contagious. (Finally a good contagious disease you can get on the plane with and not be arrested if you spread it around. Who knew?

Let the smiles begin! Especially during hard times! So for those big fan of AYAPIN at my work more courteous and smile more please