Saturday, November 6, 2010


I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps “Oh look at that!” Then — whoosh, and I’m gone… and they’ll never see anything like it ever again… and they won’t be able to forget me — ever.
~ Jim Morrison

Some people mean more to us than others. There is no rhyme or reason as to why one person should or does mean more. It just is. People glide in and out of our lives, some quickly, some after long periods of time. Some people are like light breezes, sweeping in and out of our lives barely disturbing anything. These people can be easy to forget. Some people, however, are like hurricanes, ripping in and out of our lives leaving a path of destruction behind them. Hurricanes leave an imprint of themselves in everything they touch, integrating themselves into our lives and making it impossible to forget them.
I don't think the length of time you know a person effects how much you miss them when they leave you. I think you can fall in love with someone you hardly know and love them just as much as someone you've known your entire life. I think some people draw you in to them like a moth to flame and it doesn't always make sense, but some people just touch you (even without actually touching you) in ways that no one else can. I think at some point in our lives almost everyone leaves us whether it be by choice or by death (which can also sometimes be a choice but usually is not). There are few that will or can stay with us forever...but the important ones never really leave our minds and our hearts and the memory of them stays long after they are gone.
So how do you forget the unforgettable? Some people are unforgettable and we like it that way...there are some people we wouldn't want to forget. But what if this person, this hurricane, hurt us so badly we can't help but want to forget. We wish we could purge this person from our mind, from our body, from our soul. We would do anything to move past it, to forget this person even existed in our lives.
But how can you forget the pain and destruction? And by forgetting, aren't you risking the loss of all the good memories? Because let's face it...most people leave us with good and with bad. Of course, there are some people who touch our lives and bring only bad, but most people bring good and bad into our lives and by trying to forget the bad, aren't we depriving ourselves of the good?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The person concerned..i know you're gonna kill me!

HL Customer service : "Good Morning Mr X...let tell you how u can lose weight. But first of all let me introduce u to a lovely dedicated amoy to help you through out this program...and i will guarantee you that in one month you will have your ideal weight sir"

Im sooooooooo gonna die for writing this particular entry.This particular entry is specially specially specially dedicated to a very dear friend of mine whom i will not mention the name but i know when you read this entry you will know it's for you and FYI...this journal is just for fun and in a way, I just want to "friendly annoying" you la..hik hik hik...
The story goes like this..every morning you'd wake up having a "choo choo train heart beat " can't wait to see your darling Amoy

for your daily A.M. shot of "juice amoy" (I mean the herbal life concoction which specially prepared by the sexy short skirt amoy)with different flavour and with the sweetest smile on the amoy's face..."Good Morling Mr X!Tolay i mix for you vely special juice mixture of strawbelly, coffee and chocolate"Hoping that you will be from this size (I didn't say it but you somehow...maybe..just maybe.....

you will be somewhere somehow to this 6 pack hunk.....not exactly 6 pack la but...something like
But in the process of getting yourself to the shape above, your favourite amoy said.."Tolay arrr..Mr X, you dlink lots of waler leh. Tolay i blend blend nice juice for you leh but later arr you dlink big tumbler of waler leh.." So you my dearest dearest friend had to starve yourself until lunch lorr but only "dlink waler" lorrr... So poor guy just have to listen to his beloved amoy and drink God knows how many liter of water before he can eat his lunch.
Because he has to drink lots and lots of water after drinking "Juice Amoy" aka blended herbal life by his favourite amoy...each time he has to go to the site to check on the big trees, he has to do a couple of stops and make a confession to the poor trees
What did he confess to the tree? Well after drinking gallons of H2O...yeah you guess it the male cat..he has to do territory marking(Im soooooooo dead....heheheh)This is how he marks the tree....hik hik hik hik...

After a few marking of the trees, then only he feels lighter and relax. His expression after that...
Then he will always text me...and said how delicious the juice he had despite having to go thru the "torturous tree marking" moments. But each time he text me to tell me about the good taste of that "Juice Amoy", I will temp him with the description of wonderful food that i had like...

My Breakfast...pancakes with Maple Syrup
My Lunch

My Noon Snack

And my lovely dinner...

And he will start saying.." gonna strangle you"...hik hik hik hik... but despite having me as his craziest friend who temp him with all kind of lovely fattening killing food....he said...having this amoy blending the juice for me...there is no turning back
So with that i will end my story....if in 2 weeks no updates on my blog...consider I got hung on a huge tree with my leg up and head down and peed as a territory marking with a note "Mr so and so was here"....LOL LOL LOL...

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Once upon a time when there was NO Tiki Farm but there was this Helicopter..and now.....

Serious serious i really wish Stupid Tiki Farm doesn't's really hard to make you understand or feel what I am feeling now...I have to keep climbing the ladder to you but there are like too many obstacles. :( Reaching to my destination almost seems impossible...*sigh!.. Maybe someday when u lose me, then only will you listen...

Tiki Farm started when it was supposed to be for you and me but then now its for you and some really suck big time...right now really want to be in my AIR TIGHT NUMB COCOON.
We help people when big things happen to them, when you see them getting hit by a car, when a brother or a sister or a father or a mother dies, we’re there for them because we can see that death kills more than the person it takes. And yet, the people around us who die a little all the time, moment by moment, who require the least help, the smallest sacrifice, are the ones we ignore completely.

Monday, November 1, 2010

True Friends?????

In my life, i have met a lot of people whom i considered as friends and along the way I have lost many too. 90% didn't give me a reason for their departure. A good friend may not share every detail of every second of their life but they do try to be clear about their intentions. This means they tried to present an accurate picture of who they are and of different situations. When something doesn't seem right, they let you know.

A true friend won't try to steal your boyfriend, your job or your PERSONALITY. They won't even gossip about you or try to damage your reputation. But unfortunately most people's favorite past time is gossiping. If only they know the damage they might be doing to the person concerned even if the gossip might be false. This is because people has the tendency to accept gossips at face value and seldom investigate the truth behind it.

When we talk about loyalty..hmm...this quality in a friend....? Hard to find these days. There are few but too few to mention. But I can say few friends like my schoolmates, my MAS batch mates and a few others. How to know if friends are loyal in the friendship? Well, basically a true friend will stick with you when your new play flop, when you bomb KL tower or when your status changed from "married" to "DIVORCE". And no matter where you go, they'll do their best to stay in touch. Heheeh thanks to Facebook, I can stay in touch with my school friends after ages of lost contact.

Anyway, I was deeply heartbroken by a great friend and my mentor. I felt betrayed, stabbed in the back and was shocked, hurt and astounded. I really shouldn't have been surprised. If I had thought about all the times I felt little ouches when I was with her, how insecure I would feel at times and how careful I was at other times, then I would have known this wasn’t a true friend. Instead I focused on the fun factor of our friendship and I didn’t give the quality of our friendship enough attention. Looking back at it, all the signs were there.
Starting at the earliest age, we desire the feeling of being accepted, loved and appreciated. We enjoy the adventure, the comfort and the companionship that friendship offers. With true friends we grow and blossom, we are encouraged to show up as our best selves as we enrich each others lives.With toxic friends we wither, sometimes knowingly other times unknowingly, but regardless the deteriorating effect is still the same. They are friends who i consider "Toxic friends".

Some of the example of toxic friends are like "The manipulator". The manipulator is often stealthy. We don’t tend to see it right away until smack it happens again. They have countless tactics too many to mention, the best way to recognize them is when you feel yourself coerced into responding in away that just doesn’t feel right. And there is also what i call "The Judger". This one i get a lot. The judger just can’t help but judge and criticize us. “You would look great with an age appropriate hairstyle don’t you think?” “I love your home, there so much potential here I know exactly how I would decorate it.” These guys can find fault in anything you do. It’s as though you just can’t do anything right. When it’s done in a joking tone it may be a bit harder to identify....hehehe sometimes when I'm around these type of friends, i would just smile but deep in my heart, I would say "Need to buy you a huge mirror beb".
There is this one type of friend that i have a lot too. I call these people "The Competitor". Why do I call them "The Competitor?" Well "the Competitor" will compete with you even when you’re not competing. If you decide to run a 5k they can’t wait to tell you about how they signed up for a marathon. When you mention you’re your weekend getaway they tell you about their plan for a two week vacation in Tahiti in their beautiful over-water bungalow with panoramic views and fresh exotic fruits. (This one..really annoying..serious serious...I got a few actually).
How about "The Gossiper" (no not the whisperer but the gossiper). This one like i mentioned earlier. "The Gossiper"is more malicious than the average person who periodically finds them self in a bit of gossip. Gossip appears to be the only thing they are interested in and they enjoy exaggeration and little lies to liven up the drama. This can be a disastrous recipe. The Gossiper can destroy relationships, and even compromise your job and reputation. Stay clear of this one because remember, one who always gossips to you about others will gossip to others about you and you won’t know what exaggerations or lies are being added.
The next one is the one that I am a sucker to..."The Opportunist". All they do is “take, take, take.” There is no reciprocity in this relationship. They tend to call you when they need or want something. They’ll go to your party if there isn’t a “better” event happening that night. It’s all about what’s in it for them.
What's next? Let me see..(*putting on my thinking cap)..oh yeah..hehehe there is also the "Energy Vampire". No they are not the vampire like the one Christopher Lee acted as Count Dracula. "The Energy Vampire"
is self-absorbed and zaps our energy as they go on-and-on endlessly about themselves. When you leave them you feel exhausted.
And last but not least, "The Negative Paulie"..who is Paulie? Haven't got a clue. Just a name i picked from the Yellow Anyway about "The Negative Paulie"..he or she is a downer, all is wrong in their world. They are pessimistic and resistant. They only want to hear what’s wrong in your life and they tend to get bored or change the subject when you mention your successes or happiness.
Basically 60% of people i met are as I mentioned. Fortunately, I managed to get rid 74%(don't asked me how i got the 74% la)of the above type of people in my life. With my sickness, I really need to be positive 110%(again don't asked why 110% not 120%) all the time.