The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart. Helen Kelle
Saturday, July 4, 2009
don't let anybody hold you back and remember - God don't make no junk.
This is a tough self-actualization step for many people: STOP WORRYING ABOUT TOMORROW. Instead, live in today. Live in right now. Live as if tomorrow will worry about itself. After all, what can we do tomorrow until tomorrow gets here? All we can do is whatever is before us today.Doctor told me I only have 2 years to live as I refused to go with the recommended treatment. Why do I need to go thru pain and needles poking me here and there when I can actually be happy and enjoy the 2 years I have.
Sure, you love your spouse, you love your kids. But what about the people you work with? What about your neighbors? If you love deeply I will guarantee you a couple things: You will be disappointed and hurt, but you will ALSO find happiness from some people who will deeply love you back. Trust me, it's worth it.Someday I hope that you and I get to meet and know one another. I have a feeling that I might be telling you, "I like me best when I'm with you." Let's face it, nobody else can make you happy. That's just a fantasy. Happiness is something you have to create for yourself. But it sure does help to have support. Imagine the energy you get when you open your e-mail in the morning and read a short, inspiring message. It doesn't take much. Just a few powerful words can send you on your way pumped up for the day (and ready to face down those joy-busters"). JUst like last week, I received an email from my No 1 boss. Its really a short and simple one but seriously, it gives me a dose of joy through out the day. This is what he wrote to me: "Dear Elina, best wishes for you speaking engagement at UCSI today, I'm sure you are going to do a great job. Go girl!". Before entering a room today, think about how you want others to treat you. With respect? With warmth? With sympathy? Close your eyes. Visualize them treating you that way. Now visualize how you need to act to elicit that response. For instance, the best way to be treated warmly is to walk in with a smile. Even if everybody else is grumpy keep smiling. They will catch on, because smiling is contagious. PLEASE WATCH SILENT MY MIXPOD AND WATCH THE VIDEO SLIDES BELOW;
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