Friday, May 21, 2010

Specially To My Beloved Papa With Lots Of Love

I have been wanting to pen down a special journal, tribute to my beloved dad for quite sometime but i can never get the right words to express my gratitude to this very special man whom I call "papa". There is no word in the world best dictionary that can describe him.
It's never been one special thing that my father has done but all the special things he has gone out of his way to do. He has worked days on end in dirty dead end jobs just to put food on the table. I'm sure there were times when he went hungry just to feed us. After working a full day he would come home and spend hours playing with me when I was little. My dad is always quiet and understanding where others would have lost their temper.
He is a man with few words..well I must say ever since mama passed away 14 years ago, he is mostly in his own world making himself closer to the Almighty. Many have asked him, why not marry another? His answer will always be "32". It means that if there is a month that has 32days, then he shall get marry on that day.
At the age of 74, he is still a very strong man and Sundays? Sunday is the day he will cook luxurious for his grown up children. Sunday is always a big feast at home. I simple have to thank the Almighty for giving me the best mom and dad anyone could ever asked for. So here is something for my beloved papa

What Makes A Dad
God took the strength of a mountain
The Majesty of a tree
The warmth of the summer sun
The calm of the quiet sea
The generous soul of nature
The comforting arm of night
The wisdom of ages
The Power of the eagle's flight
The joy of the morning spring
The faith of the mustard seed
The patience of eternity
The depth of the family need
Then God combined these qualities
when there was nothing more to add
He knew His masterpiece was complete
And so,
He called it....DAD

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