Saturday, September 11, 2010

When You Choose Love Over God

2nd Syawal- How's the Eid celebration this year? Well this year my dad decided to spend his time at home with his children, not visiting anyone. The past 4 years, for some personal reason, 2 of my brothers refused to come back home but somehow this year, one of them decided to make a come back. Alhamdulillah and i can see the joy on my dad's face. I am so happy finally Allah decided to open his heart to come back to visit us. Perhaps, soon the other brother of mine too will make a come back.(Praying hard for it to happen).
But ..hehehe there is a but(anything good happen always come with a but?). Feeling kinda sad, not because my kids had to spend their Eid at Malacca(Its been 6 years since my divorce, the kids have to follow my ex husband though it makes them really sad but I am kinda used to it already) but I think this person has stop practicing Islam.
He used to be my boyfriend and he is American. The first time we knew each other, he always call me Taliban woman just because I am Muslim. But as a Muslim, the religion always thought us to be patient and act wisely and always..always...use our brain. So it didn't effect me at all when he called me "Taliban woman" because to me..its not the religion that teaches us to be bad but its the individual. He always said "Islam is bad and that he would like to help me by taking me into his religion called "Jehovah Witness". Then as days went by, instead of me got interested with Jehovah Witness, it was him that got interested in Islam. He often asked me why do I forgive people easily, why is there so much patience in me, and why do I still treat people with kindness when they treated me badly. My answer will always be the same " Because Allah wants us to be nice".I also told him that its a must for us to believe in Isa (Jesus) but only thing in Islam he is not son of God but he's the messenger of Allah.
One day he asked me if it was too late for him to revert to Islam? My answer was "It's never too late to revert for as long as we are still breathing". He asked me to teach him about Islam and finally he reverted and it daily I would stay up till wee hour just to teach him about the religion. Never missed his prayer and not even his Friday prayer. Somehow our relationship didn't last. It lasted for 2 years before I decided to break up with him. Why?Because he was demanding for my time and
Somewhere late last year, he told me he met a Philippine girl and he is so in love with her. I was so happy with the news. And somewhere in March this year, he went to Philippine to be with her. One day I received a message on my YM, he told me he finally got married to this girl..part of me was happy but part of me was curious? Because she was still Catholic. Just after the news about the marriage, the next thing I heard, she is pregnant. I told him to do the Islamic marriage but till today, it's still not done. And recently I wished him "Salam Ramdhan and even told him about the obligatory zakat, there was no reply from him when daily I saw him online on his FB or even skype. And just before Ramadhan, his wife told me that her husband couldn't teach her about Islam and especially how to pray because he has forgotten how to pray. :(
It's really sad to know this. I hope someday Allah will guide him and his wife again. I hope God will forgive me too.

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