Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Once upon a time when there was NO Tiki Farm but there was this Helicopter..and now.....

Serious serious i really wish Stupid Tiki Farm doesn't exist...it's really hard to make you understand or feel what I am feeling now...I have to keep climbing the ladder to you but there are like too many obstacles. :( Reaching to my destination almost seems impossible...*sigh!.. Maybe someday when u lose me, then only will you listen...

Tiki Farm started when it was supposed to be for you and me but then now its for you and some strangers...it really suck big time...right now really want to be in my AIR TIGHT NUMB COCOON.
We help people when big things happen to them, when you see them getting hit by a car, when a brother or a sister or a father or a mother dies, we’re there for them because we can see that death kills more than the person it takes. And yet, the people around us who die a little all the time, moment by moment, who require the least help, the smallest sacrifice, are the ones we ignore completely.

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