Thursday, November 4, 2010

The person concerned..i know you're gonna kill me!

HL Customer service : "Good Morning Mr X...let tell you how u can lose weight. But first of all let me introduce u to a lovely dedicated amoy to help you through out this program...and i will guarantee you that in one month you will have your ideal weight sir"

Im sooooooooo gonna die for writing this particular entry.This particular entry is specially specially specially dedicated to a very dear friend of mine whom i will not mention the name but i know when you read this entry you will know it's for you and FYI...this journal is just for fun and in a way, I just want to "friendly annoying" you la..hik hik hik...
The story goes like this..every morning you'd wake up having a "choo choo train heart beat " can't wait to see your darling Amoy

for your daily A.M. shot of "juice amoy" (I mean the herbal life concoction which specially prepared by the sexy short skirt amoy)with different flavour and with the sweetest smile on the amoy's face..."Good Morling Mr X!Tolay i mix for you vely special juice mixture of strawbelly, coffee and chocolate"Hoping that you will be from this size (I didn't say it but you somehow...maybe..just maybe.....

you will be somewhere somehow to this 6 pack hunk.....not exactly 6 pack la but...something like
But in the process of getting yourself to the shape above, your favourite amoy said.."Tolay arrr..Mr X, you dlink lots of waler leh. Tolay i blend blend nice juice for you leh but later arr you dlink big tumbler of waler leh.." So you my dearest dearest friend had to starve yourself until lunch lorr but only "dlink waler" lorrr... So poor guy just have to listen to his beloved amoy and drink God knows how many liter of water before he can eat his lunch.
Because he has to drink lots and lots of water after drinking "Juice Amoy" aka blended herbal life by his favourite amoy...each time he has to go to the site to check on the big trees, he has to do a couple of stops and make a confession to the poor trees
What did he confess to the tree? Well after drinking gallons of H2O...yeah you guess it the male cat..he has to do territory marking(Im soooooooo dead....heheheh)This is how he marks the tree....hik hik hik hik...

After a few marking of the trees, then only he feels lighter and relax. His expression after that...
Then he will always text me...and said how delicious the juice he had despite having to go thru the "torturous tree marking" moments. But each time he text me to tell me about the good taste of that "Juice Amoy", I will temp him with the description of wonderful food that i had like...

My Breakfast...pancakes with Maple Syrup
My Lunch

My Noon Snack

And my lovely dinner...

And he will start saying.." gonna strangle you"...hik hik hik hik... but despite having me as his craziest friend who temp him with all kind of lovely fattening killing food....he said...having this amoy blending the juice for me...there is no turning back
So with that i will end my story....if in 2 weeks no updates on my blog...consider I got hung on a huge tree with my leg up and head down and peed as a territory marking with a note "Mr so and so was here"....LOL LOL LOL...

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