Monday, January 26, 2009

You're supposed to be my best could you betrayed me

We went through hell and high water together not to mention a year of many other life changing events. So what did I miss? How is it that the dear friend that I knew and loved turned out to be a cold hearted, gutter sniping, back stabbing low life from hell? All the signals were there and I chose to ignore them. Did I slump on my bobbing and weaving skills?
So, the deed is done. Now you know. The friend whom I thought was your best friend, my road dog, my true blue, has shown her true colors leaving you standing looking stupid, hurt and betrayed in his or her dust. Now what? Once you go through the initial hurt, pain, suffering and all the other emotions that come with being deceived, it dawns on me that you have a decision to make.
This is not the first time my best friend has made me look stupid and this time even worst, you made feel like a fool and embarrassed me to someone I'm close to. I trusted you with my darkest secret and my soul.
How could you do this to me. How could you tell him things that made him confused about me? I know you are gonna tell me that it's not your intention to hurt me. I would do anything for you. You have severely buried me in the sand. I wish i know what I did wrong to you. Now I can't even face him after what you have told him.Damn!
What I really need now is a brown paper bag to cover my whole entire head.
I can never see him again ever after what you did to me. I know he said its ok, forget about the whole issues, but the damage has been done.
There we were, just standing with the crowd,we were the closest of friends laughing so loud.And as time went on, I started trusting you more and more. I told you things that I hadn't told anyone before. I opened up to you, I gave you my heart and you have the heart to turn around and tear it apart.And you think I don't know what you are saying brhind my back? but you really want me to be happy, you must pay the price.I realized that you're the one who ruined my life and continue make it worst.How can you be heartless? How coulllllllld you?????

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