This is Mak peeling "temulawak" to eat as "ulam". Tried it on the first day but just can't seem to like it but one thing...I brought back a lot to use it as my face mask. It look like kunyit but taste different.
Showing Baba some of my family pictures on my Lappy...
Qel just can't stop snapping candid times feel like skinning him alive. Taking my pictures in my pajamas...GOSH!He is one crazy guy i must say
Some people call me "CRAZY"...and seriously I am proud to be called that and I am a "HIPPIE ECCENTRIC" and really happy being one. And even though I am crazy, I don't make a fool of myself like some people. LOL! I am crazy but harmless nut case..
Both muka tak mandi (we both woke up late after challenging each other with the pick up stick game- yeah at times we just acted like kids..but to some people who doesn't enjoy life will definitely say we are crazy but who what if we are crazy kan?kan?kan?)
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