Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Specially dedicated To A Friend..Coz I am Your Friend

I am writing this journal for a particular friend who is going through a separation. He will know this is for him even though I am not gonna mention his name. I pray and hope that you will not throw away a 20years old marriage.
The other day Qel asked me this question which I have no answer to it. He asked me "Why do people get married in the first place and divorced later?". I looked at him and said "I dunno sayang..because my marriage didn't work out and ended with a divorce". Then I continued again by telling him "Perhaps people just take things for granted after marriage..they just stopped doing those little things they used to do during courting.
Here is a real story which I read somewhere on the net not long ago and I like to dedicate it to a particular friend. I hope you will not get mad at me for writing this journal.

A married couple came to a counselor for advice. No sooner were they seated, than they began speaking at the same time in a duel of criticisms. When they finally stopped for lack of breath, the counselor suggested that now they tell each other all the good they see in one another.

There was total silence.

Then each was given a ball-point pen and a sheet of paper and told to write down something praiseworthy about the other. Neither of them wrote. They both sat and stared at the paper. After what seemed like a long time, the husband started to write something. At once the wife also began to write--fast and furiously. Finally, the writing stopped.

There was silence again.

The wife pushed her paper over to the watching counselor. He pushed it back signaling that she was to give it directly to her husband. She reluctantly shoved the paper halfway across the table. He took it and in turn, slid his paper towards his wife. Each began to read.

The counselor watched...Soon a tear slid down the cheek of his wife. She crumpled the paper in her fist and held it tight. That proved that she treasured the sudden revelation of good things her husband had expressed about her. The whole atmosphere of the room changed. There was no need for anything to be said. Praise had healed a thousand wounds.

The husband and wife left arm in arm.

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