Friday, April 30, 2010

Thank you Sheila for the Song-NEVER GIVE UP

Finding your way in this world can be an uphill battle. Some seem to get what they want or need almost effortlessly, while others seem to fight a constant battle, with unimaginable obstacles. If you have a dream and have to struggle to make it come true, at which point do you give up? "Give up? Is that even in your vocabulary?"Well at one point I almost give up with my life when I got the news of my relapsed but Qel was telling me he will NEVER GIVE UP ON ME..and that he said I should not give up too because he will always hold my hand and walk this journey WITH ME even if I am handicap.
When you have a dream,then you must pursue it. Some dreams may take a lifetime to see fulfilled, and some may not be filled until we are gone, but, keeping the dream alive is what keeps you alive. So, why then don't you make your dream come true?
Dreams are only dreams until they are put into action. Walt Disney said "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." You must first dare to dream, then from the dream comes a plan of action. For without action the dream will remain dormant and unfulfilled.
Though obstacles will arise and moments of fear and doubt may wish to discourage, a dream to succeed becomes a reality with persistence and determination.Only God knows my inner feelings..
If you ask any famous entrepreneur how they got where they are today, they would tell you be being persistent.That's what my boss En Azli always tell me..PERSISTENT Not one of them got there over night or easily. Their success was the direct result of many failings. The best thing about failure is it becomes an ingredient in the end result of a fulfilled dream.My dream is not about wanting to be a successful entrepreneur but well lets just say "Its my personal dream"
Success is a recipe. It requires many parts to make it whole. Those who get to the top fast without much struggle are more likely to crash faster and harder than those who took the hard road. Hard work is the glory. When you get to your dream and look back upon the struggle, there is a true sense of pride and accomplishment knowing you continued to follow this dream, despite all challenges.

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