Wednesday, April 27, 2011

God is my Strength and My Refuge.

Religion may be the cause of war.RELIGION, not god!Man is the cause of war.If man would take the time to listen to each other rather then dive head first into the ice cold water, if they would just analyze the situation many men, women and children would still be here today.So maybe Religion is the cause of war, but only the misudersatnding of religon cause war.NOT GOD!!! Smile. Just smile. Smile at those who don’t have Him in their hearts. Go ahead. Smile. And while you are at it, try to tell them about Him. And keep on smiling when they push you away and tell you that He isn’t real and that there is no proof that He exists. And then when you just can’t smile any wider, laugh. Laugh till it hurts then finally ask them: “Do you have any proof that He doesn’t?” And you dont have to say another word even if they do. Cause you won. YOU WON. Cause having proof that God is real totally ruins the point in believing with your heart, soul, and mind. You dont need some fancy factual book to say Hes there, or some smarty scientist to say it. You got Him. How much more proof do you need?

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