Saturday, April 30, 2011

Letter to My Soul Mate From Minah Ayat Power

My Dearest Sweetheart

Time is inconsequential as the words are always present in my soul, so the transposition from heart to paper is swift. The emotions come from the deepest core of my being...the place where no one but you can walk. There is a gazebo, replete with trellised adornments upon which Topaz roses grow. A weeping-willow, ancient and wise with silent offerings of love and life, whispers softly its secrets to you as the wafting breeze strokes the strings of its mellow harp.

I was lost upon a sea of changes, winds and waves, searching...hoping in silent and profound prayer that somehow my redemption would appear. You came into my life and I realized that it was not something new that I had hoped for, but something as old as time itself, created at the beginning of all things...the absent part of my soul...the essence of my soul...You.

The day the kind fates smiled upon me and their soft, caressing winds blew my battered self upon the warm shores of your heart, I was born anew...whole once again. A someone, not just a broken shard. You have restored me. My heart, like the harp can sing again...can taste the flavors of emotion and touch intimately the tenderness within.

You, My Love...are the life within me. The breath of Spring and rejuvenation. the strength that carries me through the wilderness on my way home to you.

I Love You more deeply than I can express.

Your loving wife,


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