Saturday, January 17, 2009

You are my special friend, Paul Bonnett

Dear Paul,
I want to say you are my very special friend and it take a very special person to be as good friend as you.You let me be myself even if that means putting up with my moods,habits and silly quirks.You're there for me if I need to share my problems, if I want to share a laugh and you can sense when i need to be alone.
We agree on so many things and even when we don't, you always make an effort to see my side.
Thanks for being that special person you are......I feel lucky to have a good friend like you. So to Paul, u deserve a special place in my heart. And someday I know we will definitely meet in person. Luv you always Paul.


Anonymous said...


wondesign said...

hi ellie

loved what you had to say

you have a lot to give this world and i am looking forwards to knowing you for many years andnhearing about what you are doing and who you are helping

thankyou for this

